The Forest Structure and Tree Death Rate of Forest Stands Damaged by Japanese Oak Wilt in Yamagata Prefecture
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We evaluated forests that are vulnerable to oak wilt, and prospects of regenerating the damaged trees. Most canopies of <I>Quercus crispula</I> trees died within 10 years after the spread of the oak wilt, while the canopies of <I>Q. serrata</I> survived by approximately 40% or higher rate. The average vegetation coverage at canopy layers in a severely damaged forest was 28% in <I>Q. crispula</I> dominated stands and 47% in <I>Q. serrata</I> dominated stands. Furthermore, a small number of tree species in the sub-canopy layers of <I>Q. serrata</I> dominated stands. Thus, <I>Q. crispula</I> dominated stands are expected to lack canopy layers for many years, while canopy layers can be expected to be restored in <I>Q. serrata</I> dominated stands. However, regeneration by seedlings may not occur in either of the oak stands, because <I>Camellia japonica</I> and other evergreen broad-leaved undergrowth species will keep occupying the shrub layers. Also, since most trees that have died from oak wilt have toppled down within 5 years, the falling of dead trees may cause problems to the infrastructure, such as blocking of roads and cutting of the electric wire.
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