Pulse Electrodeposition of CuO Thin Films to Improve Crystallinity for the Enhancement of Photoelectrochemical Response
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Pulse electrodeposition of p-type CuO semiconductor films for the light absorption layer of photovoltaic cells was conducted. Shapes of the potential pulse affected the crystallinity of CuO films. X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra of all the CuO films among this study showed (002) orientation through the heteroepitaxial growth on the (111)-oriented Au substrates. The CuO layer formed with the most favorable pulse condition showed a sharp diffraction peak assigned to (002) plane of CuO with 0.20° of full width at half maximum (FWHM) value, in contrast to that of the CuO film potentiostatically deposited at 850 mV vs. Ag/AgCl being 0.46°. The FWHM values indicated that the pulse-deposited CuO film had much better crystallinity and contained less residual stress induced by electrodeposition than the potentiostatically deposited CuO. Photocurrent of the pulse-deposited CuO film in NaOH solution was greater than that of the potentiostatically deposited CuO. This enhancement in photoresponse was considered to be due to the high crystallinity of pulse-deposited CuO.
伊崎 昌伸
Toyohashi University Of Technology Graduate School Of Engineering
笹野 順司
Toyohashi University of Technology, Graduate School of Engineering
本村 賢次郎
Toyohashi University of Technology, Graduate School of Engineering
Toyohashi University of Technology, Graduate School of Engineering
Mohamad Fariza
Toyohashi University Of Technology Graduate School Of Engineering
本村 賢次郎
Toyohashi University Of Technology Graduate School Of Engineering
笹野 順司
Toyohashi University Of Technology Graduate School Of Engineering
永井 美帆
Toyohashi University Of Technology Graduate School Of Engineering
伊崎 昌伸
Toyohashi University of Technology, Graduate School of Engineering
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