臨床 外耳道異物例 : クモの巣異物を含む75例の臨床的検討
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The clinical consideration was carried out in cases of foreign bodies in the external auditory canal from 75 examples treated in our hospital between January 2005 and December 2010. They represented 0.35% of the total number of outpatients during the same period. The patients were 44 men and 31 women. Their mean age was 42.9 years (range, 3-84 yr). In classification of the foreign bodies as organic (16) and inorganic (57), spiders accounted for the largest number of organic materials and toys for inorganic materials. Complications observed included inflammation of the external auditory canal, hematoma, inflamed eardrums, and so on, in 12 of the 60 examples examined. We actually came across one case where the external auditory canal foreign body comprised a spider’s nest complete with a living spider. Though it was a living foreign body, it had apparently been there for some time. To the best of our knowledge, this is a very new case and we are reporting it in the literature for the first time. With cases involving foreign bodies in the external auditory canal, cooperation of other departments, such as the emergency department, is effective. In order to reduce complications, interdepartmental cooperation at the time of the initial medical examination in the emergency room is required, such as referral to an otolaryngologist or an otolaryngological consultation.
中村 陽祐
武田 真紀子
伊藤 和行
松田 英賢
松江赤十字病院 耳鼻咽喉科
小田 直治
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- 臨床 外耳道異物例 : クモの巣異物を含む75例の臨床的検討
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- 外耳道異物例 : クモの巣異物を含む75例の臨床的検討