Passive-Fixation Lead Implantation into Interventricular Septum. An Easy and Safety Method
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One hundred and twenty-six patients were implanted cardiac devices (pulse generator and implantable cardioverter defibrillator) using passive-fixation leads. Right ventricle leads were fixed in mid septum in 91 patients, lower septum in 24 and RV apex in 11. The reasons why apex was selected were limitation of operation time in 4 patients, limitation of electrical features in 6 and limitation of fixation in 1. Rs pattern of paced QRS was seen in 6 of 24 patients who implanted into lower septum. Lower septum under fluoroscopy seemed to contain electrical mid septum. Only one complication, dislodge, was seen after implantation, which was to be noticed more earlier. The another one patient was implanted active-fixation lead because of probable cardiac surgery. When he received aortic valve replacement at one year after implantation, the screw tip was not seen on interventricular septum but on RV anterior wall. Active-fixation lead has long straight tip, it seemed to advance toward RV anterior wall despite of mid septum target. On the other hand, passive-fixation lead has short tip and flexibility. Passive-fixation lead implantation into interventricular septum dose not require special technique or tricky stylet shape, and has good fixation.
Shibata Muneichi
Department Of Biochemistry Faculty Of Medicine Mie University
Kikuta Hisashi
Department Of Cardiology Tohoku Employees' Pension Welfare Hospital
Mibiki Yoshiaki
Department Of Cardiology Tohoku Employees' Pension Welfare Hospital
Sumiyoshi Takenori
Department Of Cardiology Sendai City Hospital
Ito Tomohiro
Department Of Internal Medicine Fujita Health University Second Hospital
Yamauchi Satoshi
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Kikuta Hisashi
Department of Cardiology, Miyagi Circulation and Respiratory Center
Mibiki Yoshiaki
Department of Cardiology, Miyagi Circulation and Respiratory Center
Sato Yasuyuki
Department of Medical Engineering, Miyagi Circulation and Respiratory Center
Shinozaki Shigeru
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Ishinomaki Red Cross Hospital
Oosawa Noboru
Department of Cardiology, Miyagi Circulation and Respiratory Center
Endo Tamochi
Department of Medical Engineering, Miyagi Circulation and Respiratory Center
Ito Tomohiro
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Ishinomaki Red Cross Hospital
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