- 論文の詳細を見る
One of advantage in ecological planning method of Ian L. McHarg is synthesis of respective optimal landuse (non optimal landuse). The earthquake and tsunami damage in March 11, 2011 recalled us the importance of the comprehensive optimal landuse evaluation. Especially, damages of the Fukushima nuclear plants were catastrophic. This study focused on the criteria of land evaluation paper data in report of "Land Use Aptitude Evaluation Technique Investigation based on Ecological Planning" by National Land Agency Japan in 1980. We traced 5 paper maps (geological map, landform classification map, slope distribution map, vegetation map, and soil cartography map) for digital map, and inclination in coastal areas in where the two Fukushima nuclear plants exist. In addition, we made risk hazard maps (landslide, earthquake resistant, and flood, tsunami damage estimation) on each disaster with above 5 divisions maps and the table risk scores in the Land Agency Report 1980. Finally, we developed a comprehensive hazard map with overlaid a previous evaluation result and evaluation of optimum area of nuclear plant. An actual nuclear power plant site was selected to the coast for the reasons of barren ground bought easily. However, our results indicate that the nuclear power plant site was relative dangerous location in the sight of overall disasters vulnerability by the overlay analysis in 1980 data.
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