- 論文の詳細を見る
Open partial nephrectomy for small renal tumors without renal ischemia using microwave was investigated. 11 patients with small renal tumors underwent open partial nephrectomy without pedicle clamping. 7 cases of all were male and 4 were female, and mean age was 59.5 years. 9 cases were elective cases and two were imperative cases. Staging of AII was pT1N0M0.All cases had a few blood losses, and no cases needed blood transfusion. Surgical margins of all cases were negative, and no cases underwent tumor recurrence. No cases had aggravations of renal functions, however two cases had complications which were perirenal urine leakages. Both cases were improved by only drainages.In this study, it suggests that partial nephrectomy using microwave tissue coagulator is considered to be safe and useful.
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