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<B>Hypothesis:</B> There are some factors that could predispose a high school baseball player to shoulder pain.<BR><B>Methods:</B> One hundred and ninety eight high school baseball players aged 15-17 years underwent medical examination after fall baseball season had ended. A questionnaire and physical examination were conducted. We compared the data between the subjects with and without shoulder pain at the medical examination.<BR><B>Results:</B> Of the 198 subjects, 96 subjects (48%) had experienced episodes of shoulder pain. At the medical examination, 28 subjects (14%) had shoulder pain. Significantly, statistical analysis showed that most subjects with shoulder pain had experienced episodes of shoulder pain (P<0.0001). Significantly, statistical analysis also showed that catchers had shoulder pain (P=0.03) and that the number of long-distance pitches (day) in subjects with shoulder pain was significantly increased compared with that in subjects without shoulder pain (P=0.02). Compared with subjects without shoulder pain, the ROM of total rotation of the shoulder in subjects with shoulder pain was significantly decreased on the non-throwing sides (P=0.04). There was no difference in age, height, weight, BMI, number of years of throwing experience, number of pitches, number of vigorous-throwing pitches, maximum speed of throwing, maximum distance of throwing, number of hours and days of training per week, and muscle strength of the shoulder.<BR><B>Conclusion:</B> Factors for shoulder pain in the high school baseball players are experienced episodes of shoulder pain, catchers, increase of long-distance pitches, and decrease of ROM of total rotation of the shoulder.
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