若年者と高齢者の健常肩腱板の弾性の違い<BR>-Real-Time Tissue Elastographyによる評価-
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<B>Background:</B> Real-Time Tissue Elastography (RTE), a newly introduced ultrasound technique to evaluate tissue elasticity, has been widely used to make a diagnosis of breast and thyroid cancer. We investigated the difference between the elasticity of the rotator cuff tendons in healthy young and elderly volunteers with use of RTE.<BR><B>Methods:</B> The rotator cuff tendons of 60 shoulders/31 healthy volunteers (young group: mean age, 29 years old) and 34 shoulders/24 healthy volunteers (elderly group: mean age, 70 years old) without any shoulder symptoms were examined using a linear-array transducer (Hi-vision Avius, HITACHI-Aloka). The elasticity of the superficial layer and deep layer of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons was measured with a newly developed coupler with known elasticity. Strain of the tissue was calculated from the color changes on the longitudinal images. The ratio of the tendon strain divided by the coupler strain (strain ratio) was compared between the tendons.<BR><B>Results:</B> The strain ratio of the deep layer was significantly smaller than that of the superficial layer in both groups (P<0.001). Between the groups, there was no difference in the strain ratio of the superficial layers, but the elderly group tended to show lower strain ratio in the deep layers.<BR><B>Conclusion:</B> The superficial layer of the rotator cuff tendon is more deformable than the deep layer. Rotator cuff tear may be related to the difference in material properties of the superficial and deep layers of the tendon.
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- 若年者と高齢者の健常肩腱板の弾性の違い-Real-Time Tissue Elastographyによる評価-