骨形成不全症に合併した反復性肩関節脱臼の 1 例
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The subject in this study was a 23-year-old male, who was right handed. When he was a child, he had several fractures on his femurs and was diagnosed as having Osteogensis Imperfecta (OI) type 1. When he was 16 years old, he smashed a ball while playing table tennis and dislocated his right shoulder. After a few years, he dislocated his right shoulder similarly and suffered from recurrent dislocation.<BR>At physical examination, he had general joint laxity with 5/5 of Carter's signs. However, anterior apprehension sign was positive only on the affected side of the shoulder. Because CT-arthrogram demonstrated there was the Bankart lesion, we performed arthroscopic Bankart repair. After 2.5 years, the JSS score improved from 64 to 97 points, and the Rowe score from 30 to 95 points. There has been no recurrence of the dislocation in the meanwhile, and no enlargement of the anchor holes on the 3D-CT.<BR>Osteogenesis Imperfecta is a heritable systemic disorder of bone and connective tissue characterized by bone fragility<SUP>1), 2)</SUP>, which shares overlapping clinical features with the joint hypermobility syndrome<SUP>3)</SUP>. However there is no report about the treatment for recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation in a patient with OI. On the other hand, there are several reports about the complications with intramedullary fixation at the time of osteotomies which are intra-articular, metaphysial, or extracortical rod migration<SUP>4)</SUP>.<BR>Although the result of arthroscopic Bankart repair for this case was favorable, further observation will be needed.
酒井 忠博
名古屋大学 整形外科
酒井 忠博
平岩 秀樹
濱田 恭
平岩 秀樹
名古屋大学 整形外科
中島 基成
中島 基成
名古屋大学 整形外科
濱田 恭
名古屋大学 整形外科
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