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<B>Background:</B> Throwing form is classified into four groups in general, but not much is mentioned about the differences in their throwing motion. The aim of this study was to describe and compare the kinematic differences of four throwing forms.<BR><B>Methods:</B> Two hundred and forty pitchers' throwing was measured by motion capture system. Then a rigid-body model was defined and employed in order to compute the kinematic parameters that were related with each local coordinate system. Throwing forms were classified into four groups according to subjective judgments of three men (subjects A, B, and C) who were experienced in baseball. (1)Over Hand Delivery (OHD), 2)Three Quarter Delivery (TQD), 3)Side Arm Delivery (SAD), 4)Under Hand Delivery (UHD). The kinematic differences, pelvis, trunk, upper arms, forearms, hands, and non-throwing side of the thigh were represented by Euler angle sequence. To determine the validity of the classification each form was evaluated quantitatively using the previous method.<BR><B>Results:</B> The throwing form classifications were OHD: 80, TQD: 127, SAD: 29, UHD: 4 by sub A, OHD: 84, TQD: 122, SAD: 29, UHD: 5 by sub B, OHD: 139, TQD: 70, SAD: 26, UHD: 5 by sub C. Kinematic results showed statistically significant differences by multiple comparison tests, the upper arm horizontal abduction/adduction, the trunk rotation/lateral bending, and the pelvis lateral bending/tilt/rotation (p <0.05).<BR><B>Conclusion:</B> The upper arm abduction/adduction and the elbow flexion/extension angles are equivalent at BR regardless of throwing forms. The trunk lateral bending/rotation had statistically significant differences between each group. Trunk delivery is one of the most important factors to determine the throwing form. To treat throwing injuries, it is necessary to understand the kinematic characteristics of throwing motion.
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