Statistical Safety Evaluation of BWR Turbine Trip Scenario Using Coupled Neutron Kinetics and Thermal Hydraulics Analysis Code SKETCH-INS/TRACE5.0
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The Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) method has been prepared for the regulatory cross-check analysis at Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES) on base of the three-dimensional neutron-kinetics/thermal- hydraulics coupled code SKETCH-INS/TRACE5.0. In the preparation, TRACE5.0 is verified against the large-scale thermal-hydraulic tests carried out with NUPEC facility. These tests were focused on the pressure drop of steam-liquid two phase flow and void fraction distribution. From the comparison of the experimental data with other codes (RELAP5/MOD3.3 and TRAC-BF1), TRACE5.0 was judged better than other codes. It was confirmed that TRACE5.0 has high reliability for thermal hydraulics behavior and are used as a best-estimate code for the statistical safety evaluation. Next, the coupled code SKETCH-INS/TRACE5.0 was applied to turbine trip tests performed at the Peach Bottom-2 BWR4 Plant. The turbine trip event shows the rapid power peak due to the voids collapse with the pressure increase. The analyzed peak value of core power is better simulated than the previous version SKETCH-INS/TRAC-BF1. And the statistical safety evaluation using SKETCH-INS/TRACE5.0 was applied to the loss of load transient for examining the influence of the choice of sampling method.
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization
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- Statistical Safety Evaluation of BWR Turbine Trip Scenario Using Coupled Neutron Kinetics and Thermal Hydraulics Analysis Code SKETCH-INS/TRACE5.0