- 論文の詳細を見る
In the present study, both the importance of intangible asset succession and "ba" as the place of knowledge creation in succession management of agriculture were clarified through the analysis of two cases where the management of succession became a problem and where the management of succession to the third party has succeeded in a short term. However, when the intangible assets are passed on to the employee, not only the skills are transmitted, but also the manager should transmit the corporate principles at the same time. This is possible through the formation of "ba" and changing the organization into an institution of study. Therefore, the formation of "ba" for study becomes a first step in the personnel training as a manager. Nevertheless, there are three problems left in the present study. First is the method for extracting tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge must be extracted from concrete work of each administrative function and verified because both explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge exist in each administrative function. Second is the classification of tacit knowledge because there are two kinds of tacit knowledge, one converted from tacit to tacit and the other converted from tacit to explicit. Third is clarification of the influence that industrial clusters have on the management of succession in agriculture. Generally, cluster formation is expected to be advantageous for securing various talents. Therefore, whether a cluster for securing a successor of farm management can be obtained must be verified. These are important research topics for the future.JEL Classification: Q10
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