An Analysis of Dynamic Stability of Composite Laminated Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Periodic Hydrostatic Pressure
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This paper deals with the problem of dynamic stability of composite laminated cylindrical shells subjected to periodic hydrostatic pressure. First, the axially symmetric motion of the shell is imposed by the periodic hydrostatic pressure. Subsequently, certain perturbations are superimposed on this motion, and their behavior sequential with time is investigated. The symmetric state of motion of the shell is considered to be stable if the perturbations remain bounded. The solutions for the prebuckling motion and the perturbated motion are obtained by the use of Galerkin's method. Calculations are carried out for composite laminated cylindrical shells and the instability regions are determined by utilizing Mathieu's equation. The inevitability of dynamically unstable behavior is proved analytically and the effects of various factors, such as stacking sequences, fundamental natural frequency, driving amplitude of the vibration and dynamic unstable mode, are analytically clarified.
粕谷 平和
加藤 英晃
Course Of Mechanical Engineering Tokai University
押野谷 康雄
小島 淳
根本 圭一
加藤 英晃
加藤 英晃
東海大学大学院 総合理工学研究科
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