新しいヒスタミンH_2受容体遮断薬 Ranitidine の臨床薬理学的検討
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The pharmacokinetics of ranitidine, a new H<SUB>2</SUB>-receptor blocking agent, and its effects on tetragastrin-induced gastric acid serection were studied in five healthy volunteers. The ranitidine concentrations in plasma and urine were determined by HPLC.<BR>After single oral administration of ranitidine (100 mg or 150 mg tablet), the peak plasma concentration of the drug was attained in 2-2.5 hrs and the elimination half-life was 2-2.5 hrs when they were obtained from the 24-hr plasma concentration-time curve. After the administration of 100 mg and 150 mg, the maximum plasma levels were in the ratio of 1: 1.57 and the AUCs were, 1: 1.53 which were roughly coincident with the dose ratio. Recovery of unmetabolized ranitidine from urine over a 24-hr period accounted for 40-45% of the administered drug.<BR>In the multiple oral doses of ranitidine (150mg b. i d., for 14 days), the actually measured plasma concentrations of the drug were nearly in agreement with the simulation curves obtained from the single dose.<BR>A single dose of ranitidine (150mg/10ml) significantly reduced gastric volume rate and the output concentration of the acid induced by tetragastrin.<BR>No abnormality attributable to ranitidine was noted in physical findings, clinical laboratory findings or subjective symptoms.
- 一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会の論文
渡部 烈
海老原 昭夫
近藤 和興
大橋 京一
岡 太一
田原 一二
近藤 和興
沖山 雅彦
萬宝 国久
田原 一二
渡部 烈
大橋 京一
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