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Currently 1.5 million people a year visit the Gero hot spring. A total of 44 patients who suffered from disease while staying there and required treatment were admitted to our hospital during 1987. This paper presents a statistical analysis these 44 cases.There was no large numerical difference between male and female patients, and about 60% of them were 60 to 70 years old. While some came from Aichi Prefecture, a notable number of patients came from remote places. Most of the patients were admitted to the hospital from the end of summer through winter and often at night. About 50% of patients suffered from heart diseases and cerebrovascular disturbances. The next largest percentage had gastrointestinal diseases. Fifty percent of the patients recovered within a couple of days of hospitalization and all other patients, except two patients who died, left the hospital within 20 days. About 70% of these patients were carried to the hospital by ambulance. About 30% of the patients were considered to have contracted the disease while they were drinking, and the majority of them had heart disease, cerebrovascular disturbance, or acute alcoholism. About 40% of the patients contracted the disease while bathing, and the majority of them had cerebrovascular diseases and respiratory disturbance. Although no correlation with weather was found in 21 cases of heart diseases and cerebrovascular disturbance, onset of the disease in other than optimum temperature and humidity was observed in many cases.The following five factors were considered to have aggravated the diseases:1) Advanced age.2) Overwork.3) Chronic disease or insufficient health checks.4) Drinking heavily, bathing after drinking, or bathing for too long.5) Seasonal factors (summer through winter) and improper temperature or humidity for those patients with circulatory diseases.Results of the statistical analysis indicated the necessity for guidance in relaxation and at hot springs as well as improvement of spa facilities.
- 一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会の論文
加藤 正夫
岐阜県立下呂温泉病院 診療顧問
藤岡 均
大平 敏樹
琴尾 泰典
宮下 剛彦
今井 龍幸
琴尾 泰典
加藤 正夫
藤岡 均
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