Studies on the Catalytic Action of Trace Elements (Rep 11):On the Influence of Growth on the Plants
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The author had reported, in a previous paper last year, the detection of growth-promoting points in vegetables by phenolphthaline method.Author studied the catalytic action of the trace elements, whose catalytic action is generally recognized to agree with the growth-promoting power.From the experimental results it is recognized that ferrous iron, manganese, cobalt and molybdenum show comparatively large oxidase and per-oxidase value, while coppor, nickel, zinc, and chromium show only small per-oxidase value.On this method, development of the color reaction of ferric iron and boron was not affected.On the experiments of water culture method, it is recognized that the sprout and growth-promoting power of a Japanese parsly, salada vegetable, radish and soybean are remarkably influenced in appearance, increase the weight and catalytic action by the adding of Fe, Mn, Cu and Co in optimum quantity.It has been shown experimentally in water culture method that iron and manganese are intimately concerned with oxidising and reducing reaction, which take place in plants.According to these results, it is suggested that iron is the main-catalyser manganese and copper etc are sub-catalyser.
- 一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会の論文
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会 | 論文
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