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A new 23-item scale, the Everyday Behavior Questionnaire (EDBQ) was developed to assess the Type A behavior pattern in women. Nurses (N=139) in an university hospital participated in the validation study. Factor analysis of the 23 items revealed a four-factor structure. The four factors were anger/impatience, competitiveness/hard-driving, speed, and eagerness/interest. Internal consistency reliability estimates of four factors were adequate. Concurrent validity assessed by the relationship between the EDBQ and the Jenkins Activity Survey was significantly high. The four-factor structure and the relationship between the factors and psychological/physical symptoms adequately demonstrated Type A characteristics, as well as the uniqueness of the new questionnaire. These results suggested that the construct validity was in the desired direction. Further reliability and validity researches with the EDBQ in various samples were suggested.
- 公益社団法人 日本心理学会の論文
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