- 論文の詳細を見る
There are various regional elements which relate to the health condition of inhabitants. The purpose of the study is to show the military conscription data for the systematic elucidation of such relationships. The records of the physical examination taken in 1910 for the conscription of twenty-year-old male in the Austrian monarchy have been used. For each examinee, besides a success or failure of the conscription, names of diseases as reason for failure, occupation, stature and mother tongue (German or Italian) are recorded. A total of 4, 790 persons, 1, 661 persons in the South Tyrol and 3, 129 in Trentino in the Northern Italy has been analyzed for comparison of the health condition between these two regions which have the distinct regional characters. As a result of the analysis, it was clarified that the percentage of failures in Trentino was much more than that in the South Tyrol . In regard to the regional variation of diseases, skin diseases and diseases of thyroid gland are relatively dominant in rural and mountainous regions in Trentino, which can mean endemic pellagra and goiter prevalent in the region in the early 20th century. Furthermore, using the military conscription data the complicate relationships between disease and regional elements, i.e. physical and socio-economic elements, in Trentino could be described qualitatively .
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