- 論文の詳細を見る
A concentric-circular pattern illusion was studied with the inner circle as the test field (TF) and the surrounding ring-shaped area as the inducing field (IF), to clarify the effects of the IF-lightness and of the depth relation between TF and IF on induction. In the condition of TF in front of IF, when IF became whiter and farther away, the usually observed distance paradox as a function of the size of IF tended to disappear and was replaced by a monotonic decreasing function. In the condition TF behind IF, the distance paradox was observed in any lightness or depth conditions. Contour was found to be another influential factor on illusion. Results were interpreted from the concept of "object" character of the stimulus.
- 公益社団法人 日本心理学会の論文
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- 岡山心理学会の歴史展望 (『心理学評論』創刊50周年記念特別企画1 特別寄稿シリーズ 日本の地域心理学会--歴史と現状の紹介(3))
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- 残像色の時間過程(B-1,VI.第13回大会発表要旨)
- 書写(漢字)と描画(二重三角形)に表される図地関係(日本基礎心理学会第30回大会,大会発表要旨)
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- 補遺 高橋論文(2008)の件
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- レース越しにみえる色(veiling color)(研究発表E,VI.第17回大会発表要旨)
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- 残像色の時間過程(A-III.,VI.第11回大会発表要旨)
- White効果と透明視印象(B-IV.色・錯視,VI.第10回大会発表要旨)