- 論文の詳細を見る
Purpose; The purpose of this study is to explore two following problems:1) If each type of self-control functions of group act on group members, how will the members measure the error of group performance and control their activities?2) Self-control function of individual person seems to be the basis of self-control functions of both leader and member. How do then the adequacy of self-control function of individual person influence upon the members for measuring of error of group performance and for controlling their activities?Procedure; At the first step, the self-control function of individual person was measured. Subjects were asked to switch on and off for a certain frequency within a given time. The frequency was counted by the magnetic counter.From these pretests, (jGi-jPi-1) was obtained. Correlations between the (jGi-jPi-1) and (jPi-jPi-1) were computed and were assumed as the index of "goodness" or "poorness" of self-control function of individual person.Subjects were 40 fifth-grade boys of a elementary school and were deviled into 8 groups. Four groups were lower groups whose members got low Correlations and the other four groups were upper groups.Experimental task was similar to that of pretest. Total frequency of switching on and off of group members was regarded as group performance. Four experimental situations were made. In A situation, members were given only goal information; in B and C situation, members were given both goal information and feed back information; and in D situation, members were given goal information and instruction of leader.Result; The following variables were measured.RG; gGi-gGi-1AD; gGi-1-gPi-1GD; gGi-gPi-1CGα; ΣjjGαi-gPi-1CGl; lGi-ΣjjGαiCGβ1; ΣjjGβi-ΣjjGαiCGβ2; ΣjjGβi-lGiCP; gPi-ΣjjGβiRP; gPi-gPi-11) Correlations between RP, and RG, AD and GD were computed. Generally rRP·GD were the highest of the three. rRP·RG were the next and rRP·AD were the lowest. In comparison between the correlations of upper groups and of lower groups, both rRP·GD and rRP·RG of upper groups were higher than those of lower groups. This will mean that group members were likely to control their performance in accordance with GD and RG, and especially upper group members were more likely.2) In order to
- 公益社団法人 日本心理学会の論文
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