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In this study, speech in sentence-form of the early developmental stage is analysed to clarify its structure and the interpersonal-instrumental functions. "Sentence" is defined as a word-chain which is organized by some syntactical rules in a given language (here in Japanese). Speech samples analysed had been recorded by tape-recorder and transcribed through its reproduction. Situations and accompanying behaviors to speech were also recorded. Situation were rather natural; a child (oneyear girl K) was in a room and given many toys and picture-books, and free conversations were allowed. Observations and recordings were made once a week, 30min. a day, and the tape-materials are 1090 in all, of which 520 are word-chains (the imitated utterances have been eliminated).Procedures and results are as follows:1) Every word-chain is classified according to the number of words contained, and we find following developmental features: number of words in a word-chain increases as her age in months increases, and 2-word-chains appear in the first half of her one-year old, and 3-word-chain in the second half.2) In the Japanese language, all the word-chains can be regarded as some combinations of content (independent) word [A] and function word (clitics) [B], or content words only, and identifications of words with these two fundamental word-classes were not so difficult even in speeches of early childhood. Next, every word-chain is classified according to the pattern composed of A and B. The group of 2-word-chains is divided into AA and AB. As a result, AAs are found to develop earlier than ABs. But toward the last period of one-year stage, the frequencies of AB and AA become nearly equal. By the same procedure, all the 3-word-chains are divided into AAA, AAB, ABB, and ABA, of which AAA and ABA are dominant in frequency. AAA develops earlier than ABA, but at last the latter exceeds the former. As ABA is one of the essential sentence-types and frequently used in the Japanese speech, even a child below 2 years of age may be able to learn this type of utterance.3) According to the definition already given, sentence are only a part of a body of word-chains. A uniqueness of the Japanese speech may be grammatical functions of B in sentence, and Bs are grammatically categorized according to these functions into following two: a) those of combining words logically [BL]; b) those of appealing to the hearer or of expressing the speaker's sentiment [BA]. BA appears earlier than BL in the developmental stage. Althouth BL plays more important functions in the developmental formation of verbal behavior, BA furnishes "plain logical-linguistic utterance" with interpersonal-humanistic "tone" which is essential in everyday conversation. In our data, BA is dominant in AB-type sentences, whereas BL is dominant in ABA-type sentences. In general, 2-word-sentences increase at the middle stage, and 3-word-sentences at the last.4) AA-type and ABA-type sentence utterances above all are considered as fundamental forms of the specific instrumental or motivation-reducing behaviors. Such an instrumental function may be classified in reference to the concrete situation where the utterance appeared. In both AA and. ABA-type sentences, number of types of the specific instrumental functions is positively correlated with C. A. in months.These features of speech development: may be partly explained by the mechanism of concept learning. However, conceptlearning processes work in two levels; one in the syntactical level, the other in the instrumental level.
- 公益社団法人 日本心理学会の論文
- 1才児Mの談話習得過程 : 5.発達2
- 言語行動の発達III : 要求発語の言語形式ならびに機能の初期発達過程
- 1才児の談話習得過程 : 日本教育心理学会第2回総会報告 : 研究発表要旨および討論の概要 : 発達II
- 言語行動の発達-2-
- 育児語の研究--幼児の言語習得の一条件として
- 言語行動の発達--1才児Kの談話における文
- 選択学習に及ぼす言語罰の効果