- 論文の詳細を見る
Basic and clinical studies on TRH activity of L-pyro-glutamyl-L-histidyl-L-prolineamide-L-tartrate-monohydrate (TRH-T) were performed. <BR>The biological activity and immunological activity of TRH-T were almost the same as those of TRH. <BR>500 μg of TRH-T was administered intravenously to 12 normal subjects and 55 patients with endocrinopathy. The blood samples were taken after TRH-T injection for measurements of serum TSH, PRL, triiodothyronine (T<SUB>3</SUB>), thyroxine (T<SUB>4</SUB>), LH, FSH, GH and cortisol levels by radioimmunoassay. In 12 normal subjects, peak levels of serum TSH after TRH-T injection were distributed from 6.3 μU/ml to 27.1 μU/ml. Serum PRL, T3 and LH levels were increased, but serum cortisol levels were decreased significantly after TRH-T injection. Serum T<SUB>4</SUB>, FSH and GH levels were not changed significantly after TRH-T injection. <BR>In 55 patients with endocrinopathy, the responsiveness to TRH-T injection was almost the same as to TRH. Serum TSH levels after TRH-T injection were hyperresponsive in primary hypothyroidism and hypothyroid state on medication, normoresponsive in nontoxic goiter, euthyroid state on medication, hypothalamo-pituitary disorders (no thyroid disorder) and tertiary hypothyroidism and hyporesponsive in hyperthyroidism and secondary hypothyroidism. Serum PRL levels after TRH-T injection were hyperresponsive in primary hypothyroidism, euthyroid state on medication and hypothyroid state on medication, normoresponsive in nontoxic goiter and hypothalamo-pituitary disorders (no thyroid discorder) and hyporesponsive in hyperthyroidism, secondary hypothyroidism and tertiary hypothyroidism. <BR>Ten milligrams of TRH-T were administrated orally b.i.d. for 4 days to 5 normal subjects and 12 patients with endocrinopathy. Thyroidal <SUP>131</SUP>I-uptake (24 hrs.) was increased after TRH-T administration in normal subjects, tertiary hypothyroidism and patients with acromegaly, but not increased in primary hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. <BR>These results suggested that TRH-T has almost the same activity as TRH, and TRH-T is one of useful drug for evaluation of the pituitary function clinically.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
満間 照典
山内 一征
満間 照典
鰐部 春松
鰐部 春松
長坂 顕雄
広岡 良文
今井 幸宏
片岡 邦孝
仁瓶 礼之
仁瓶 礼之
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