- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to investigate the physiological significance of gut somatostatin (SRIF), with special reference to its intervention in gut hormone secretion, the contents of somatostatin in gastrointestinal tissues and the brain were measured radioimmunologically in the rat, rabbit and dog, and their distributions were compared with those of glucagon immunoreactivity, glucagon-like immunoreactivity, gastrin, secretin and motilin.<BR>The total amount of SRIF was much greater in the gastrointestinal system than in the brain in the three species without exception. SRIF extracted from the gastrointestinal tissues appeared to be immunologically similar to that from the brain, judging from its dilution slope which was superimposed on that of authentic SRIF. SRIF was more widely distributed throughout the brain and GI system in all three species than in any other gut hormone examined, and furthermore, no special hormone was found to show its distribution being parallel to that of SRIF. There was a difference in the intragastric concentrations of SRIF among these three species : the rat had the highest content in the body (2257 ±207 ng/g tissue), the rabbit in the fundus (2900±1054 ng/g tissue), and the dog in the antrum of the stomach (1630 ±287 ng/g tissue), despite the constant abundance of gastrin in the antral portion of the stomach in all three species. It is suggested that SRIF may have a paracrine action on the gastrin secretion in the dog.<BR>These facts suggest that gut SRIF seems unlikely to affect the secretion of any one of the gastrointestinal hormones examined in this study common to all three species, assuming that it acts as a paracrine.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
熊原 雄一
島 健二
熊原 雄一
下村 泰樹
田中 亮一
沢崎 憲夫
田中 彰
田畑 眞佐子
太田 妙子
沢崎 憲夫
熊原 雄一
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