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Prolonged elevation of serum Triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations with normal serum Thyroxine (T4) levels are occasionally found during the course of drug therapy for Graves' disease; however, little is known regarding the preferential secretion of T3. In order to investigate the pathogenesis and clinical significance of the elevated T3 to T4 ratios, 42 patients who had persistently shown this phenomenon were studied. Some therapeutic methods were employed to observe the responses in these patients.<BR>Following increase in doses of thionamides, serum T3 fell to normal levels; however, T4 levels simultaneously showed a decrease to levels which were lower than normal. As a result, the T3 to T4 ratios remained elevated. Changing the type of thionamide did not affect the elevated ratios. Addition of iodide to the therapy did not change the altered ratios. On the other hand, the patients who were subsequently treated by subtotal thyroidectomy showed normalization in the ratios.<BR>The goiter size of these patients were significantly larger than those of the control group patients whose serum T3 to T4 ratios were within the normal range. Activities of TSH receptor antibodies in these patients were higher than those in the control group of Graves' disease. In addition, the serum T3 to T4 ratio and TSH receptor antibody activity showed a significant correlation.<BR>Follow-up studies for two to four years of drug therapy revealed that prolonged remissions hardly occurred in patients whose serum ratios remained elevated. In all patients whose serum ratios fell to normal following subtotal thyroidectomy, remissions occurred and persisted.<BR>These observations indicate that the prior site of preferential production of T3 is not in peripheral tissues but exists in the thyroid gland itself. Furthermore, the present study suggests that the T3 to T4 ratios may be utilized as a useful indicator in predicting the relapse after cessation of drug therapy and as a parameter in choosing optimal therapy for Graves' disease.
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