- 論文の詳細を見る
As in the case of deeply seated AVM, spreading para and intraventricularly, and drained above the central veins, surgical treatment should be considered strictly against the background of the natural history of these lesions.<BR>In recent 3 1/2 years we have encountered 28 such cases with SAH.<BR>Out of 10 malformations treated total removal (3 callosal, 2 pineal, 2 deep cerebellar, 1 uncal, 1 trigone and 1 insular) 8 are able to work 100%, 1 able to self care, and 1 with paraparesis due to postoperative meningitis.<BR>Out of 7 cases treated only by feeder clipping (5 thalamic, 1 callosal and 1 uncal) 6 patients did well (average follow up duration 1 year and 10 months)<BR>but one died after 6 months of a new hemorrhage. Out of 11 malformations without surgical treatment because of their size, location and extent, 3 died by new hemorrhage in 1 year.<BR>Feeder clipping for deeply seated AVM dose not insure against recurrent hemorrhage, but may be effective in the relative smaller lesions supplying only by several vessels.
- The Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Strokeの論文
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