49. 脳動脈瘤wrappingに関する再検討
- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently, we experienced a case of recurrence of cerebral aneurysm 6 years after surgery, in spite of muscle wrapping after neck clipping. Since, we threw doubt on the suitability of muscle piece for wrapping material, experimental study on histological change after wrapping of the intracranial arteries of 43 dogs was done.<BR>The findings obtained are:<BR>1) Bemsheets adhered closely to the arterial wall and made up toughly reinforcing wall by proliferation of collagen fibers in the space of retiform of cotton fibers after one month. Proliferation of the collagen fibers correlated in degree with the passage of time.<BR>2) Muscle, fascia, and dura adhered relatively closely to the arterial wall but they were absorbed and disappeared after one to two months.<BR>3) Lyodura unfitted on the arterial wall and was revealed necrotic change in the curved portion of it.<BR>4) Coating with Aron alpha A was revealed unfit on the arterial wall and tended to crack with the passage of time.
- The Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Strokeの論文
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- 49. 脳動脈瘤wrappingに関する再検討
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