- 論文の詳細を見る
Readiness potential is a slow negative shift of brain electrical potential preceding voluntary movements. The amplitude of the potential is of its maximum over the area of the contralateral motor cortex which represents contraction of muscles. But this is distributed in rather diffuse fashion and can also be obtained in bilateral regions. The potential is obtained by averaging the EEG synchronized with the repetitive movements.<BR>Readiness potentials were recorded in the central scalp region in two groups; Group 1 as control consisting of six healthy right-handed persons, and Group 2 of seventeen patients with occlusive cerebro-vascular diseases who had varying degrees of motor weakness and underwent the superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery anastomosis. The potentials in Group 2 were obtained by carrying out voluntary movements on the unaffected side. A relationship between the preoperative readiness potentials and the surgical results was discussed.<BR>1. In control group, hand movements elicited the potential (<I>N</I>) with the amplitude being 7.7±0.8 μV (mean±standard error of means) on the ipsilateral side to movement and 8.9±1.0 μV on the opposite side.<BR>2. In group 2, <I>N</I> was 3.2±0.1 μV on the side of the hand movements and 5.4±0.8 μV on the opposite side.<BR>3. Four patients with normal amplitude (more than 5 μV) on the scalp of the lesioned side showed good results from surgery. On the other hand, four patients with very low amplitude (less than 2μV) had poor results.
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