- 論文の詳細を見る
We studied the effect of cervical sympathectomy, consisting of superior cervical ganglionectomy (S. C. G. N.) and perivascular sympathectomy (P. V. S.) of the cervical carotid artery, on the blood flow of common carotid artery in 17 patients with cerebral ischemic lesion. At the same time, the clinical efficacy of the sympathectomy was discussed.<BR>We measured blood flow of the common carotid artery with a square wave electromagnetic flowmeter. The average blood flow before the cervical sympathectomy (=control) is 334.8±16.3 (M±S. E. M.) ml/m. The average blood flow after the S. C. G. N. is increased in all but 4 patients as 401.7±24.7ml/m (increasing rate to control is 19.75±3.74%), and the average blood flow after the S. C. G. N, and P. V. S. is 425±31.6ml/m (increasing rate to the blood flow after the S. C. G. N. is 6.26±1.99%). Clinical condition of patients are improved following increase of blood flow in 60% of patients.<BR>Mean arterial blood pressure and blood gas are monitored before and after the cervical sympathectomy, and we found increased blood flow is not related to the blood pressure or results of blood gas.<BR>We believe this cervical sympathectomy is definitely worthwhile in patients with cerebral ischemic lesion.
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