- 論文の詳細を見る
We have proposed the scatter correction method which considered energy spectra of scattered photons using four energy windows, i. e., three abutted energy windows (a left, a right, and a middle window) and a reference window. These three windows were located in the photopeak and the reference window was set in the lower energy region than the photopeak. In the method the count of scattered photons within the three abutted windows was estimated by using a regression relation between the following two ratios. One was the ratio of the estimated count of the scattered photons included in the left window to the total count within the reference window. The other was the ratio of the count of the scattered photons within the three abutted windows to the total count within the reference window. In this paper, we showed the optimal width and position of each energy window and improvement of image contrast from the results of phantom experiments.
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