- 論文の詳細を見る
Thyroid seems to undergo gradual lowering of it's function along with the advance of age parallel with the lowering of cellular metabolism, but under reservation of potent capacity to react upon TSH for long time. Significant increase of TBG capacity in old age seems to be playing a role as a buffer system against over normal increase of thyroid hormone in blood. Furthermore a distinct impairment of feedback mechanism between thyroid and hypothalamo-pituitary system was demonstrated in old people. As a cause of this impairment possible decrease of cerebral circulating blood volume, basing upon cerebral arteriosclerosis, was postulated. Hypothyroidism seems to promote the pathological aging and this corresponds to the clinical impression of hypothyroid patients showing frequently far more advanced age than real age. But from the standpoint of life expectancy mild hypothyroidism seems to be advantageous for long life. The last postulation is supported by the relatively mild lowering of thyroid function, corresponding to the lowered metabolism of the tissue, in old people.<BR>Until the 5th day after birth in the neonatal period, <SUP>131</SUP>I-thyroidal uptake, serum T<SUB>4</SUB>, <SUP>131</SUP>I-T<SUB>3</SUB> resin uptake, and free T<SUB>4</SUB> index are high, definitely indicating the state of physiological hyperactivity of the thyroid.<BR>In the course of development from the infantile to adult period, none of these 4 parameters showed significant variations. However, plasma inorganic iodine is lower and renal iodide clearance and thyroidal iodide clearance is higher as the age of the subject is younger, indicating more active iodine metabolism in younger age.<BR>Since iodine uptake is abundant in each age group, no possibility of deficiency is expected. With regard to T<SUB>4</SUB> metabolism, both T<SUB>4</SUB> turnover rate and T<SUB>4</SUB> degradation rate was higher in younger age. TBG and TBPA also varied according to age. Male to female difference was seen after adolescence probably due to the influence of sex hormone. Based on these results, the physiological goiter frequently seen in adolescent females is probably not due to the increase in the requirement of thyroid hormone, iodine deficiency, and increase of renal iodide clearance but is apparently under the influence of estrogens.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
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- 6.当教室における小人症の検討(第61回日本小児科学会千葉地方会総会,第391回干葉医学会分科会)
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- 4.加令と甲状腺
- 新しい血清Thyroxine量簡易測定法
- A case of pretibial myxedema and synthesis of mucopolysaccharides in the local tissue
- ヒトPTH- (1-34) によるEllsworth-Howard試験の実施法と判定基準:副甲状腺機能低下症患者における検討