- 論文の詳細を見る
The patients with primary and secondary amenorrhea were endocrinologically examined, using the determination of urinary estrogens, 17-KS, PBI, BBT and several other tests. In 17 amenorrheic women there were slight differences in the amounts of PBI and 17-KS, although the estrogen excretions were somewhat different : in the primary amenorrhea 10.5±2.7 μg/day (mean of five cases), the secondary amenorrhea 16.1±4.2 μg/day (mean of twelve cases), the follicular phase of normal cycle 23.8±4.6 μg/day (mean of seven cases) and the luteal phase of normal cycle 46.2±8.9 μg/day (mean of seven cases).<BR>Five cases were selected in our clinic among the patients suffering from functional amenorrhea. Estrogen was administered as a single injection of 2 mg. of estradiol benzoate, and after two or three weeks, Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotrophin (PMS) 7,000-22,000 IU and Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) 6,000 IU-9,000 IU were administered to induce the ovulation.<BR>The urinary excretion of estrogens was determined as serially as possible by Brown's method which was slightly improved in chromatography.<BR>The maximal output values of the classical estrogens occurred on the third or the fourth day after the injection and the individual variation of estrogen excretion pattern was observed : <BR>In two cases (case 1, 2) the ratio of estrone + estradiol/total estrogens was decreased in a few days after the administration of estradiol benzoate. From these results it is presumed that the conversion of estrogens in vivo from estradiol to estriol went on smoothly. In addition, in these cases the ovulation was induced by the administration of PMS and HCG and the urinary estrogens were remarkably increased, to such amounts as three or four fold more than the values in normal ovulatory phase. On the other hand, in one case (case 3) the ratio remained at a comparatively high level for several days after the administration of estrogen ; ovulation could not be induced and the urinary estrogens were in low levels. In this case the ovaries were atrophic and only primary follicles were observed histologically.<BR>In two cases of secondary amenorrhea with hyperthyroidism (case 4, 5), the patterns of urinary estrogens were varied. That is, in one case (case 4) the estrogen metabolism was presumed to be normal, and in the other case (case 5), however, the estrogen metabolism was bad, and after 10 days' administration of Methylthiouracil the estrogen was again administered in the same way as above mentioned, and the estrogen metabolism changed from bad into normal.<BR>Further studies on those problems are necessary, however, and it is also reasonable to consider that the estradiol tolerance test is one of the valuable methods in research on ovarian dysfunction.
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