- 論文の詳細を見る
The methods of color development for the determination of 17-Ketosteroids in urine are chiefly Pincus reaction and Zimmermann reaction, and the latter reaction is usually applied.<BR>The Zimmermann reaction currently used is performed on alcoholic procedures and KOH, which involes some problems concerning reagent purity, light sensitivity, interference of carbonates or non-ketogenic reaction.<BR>In 1961, Epstein reported on the new "aqueous" Zimmermann reaction with 5% Hyamine 1622, and concluded that it had several advantages over some of the currently used "alcoholic" procedures. We also examined this new reaction.<BR>Reagents were (1) 5% aqueous Hyamime 1622 (2) saturated m-dinitrobenzene in 5% Hyamine 1622, (3) 8N aqueous KOH (4) reagent grade methanol and (5) Samples are standard steroids (Dehydroepiandrosterone, androsterone) and urinary extracts.<BR>To avoid experimental errows, we doubled the volume of each reagent as Epstein did, i.e. to dissolve the dry samples (steroid crystals or dry urinary extract), 0.1ml of methanol was added, after shaking, 0.4 ml, m-dinitrobenzene and 0.2ml of 8N-KOH were added with final mixing. After color development, contents were diluted to 5 ml with 5% Hyamine 1622 and the color was meassured with photo-electric spectrophotometer (TYPE EPU-2A, HITACHI).<BR>Results are as follow : <BR>1. Blank values of this method are very low, because an alcoholic medium which may introduce high blank values is avoided.<BR>2. Suitable reaction time is within 30 minutes.<BR>3. Sensitiveness of color development is high.<BR>4. Fading after color development is slower than that of "alcoholic" reaction.<BR>5. Finally, it is more economical to apply "Hyamine 1622" insted of using pure "alcoholic" reagents.
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