糖尿病患者の血中インシュリン相当値及び血中グルカゴン相当値に就いて:(附) 膵内分泌調節に就いての知見補遺
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The authors have studied the behavior of insulin-like activity and glucagon-like activity of blood in comparison to blood sugar level of normal and diabetic subjects.<BR>Venous blood was drawn from V. pancreatico-duodenale sup., V. portae, V. hepatica and V. femoralis and their blood sugar level, insulin-like activity and glucagon-like activity were examined simultaneously. The insulin-like activity was determined with the rat diaphragm method after Shimazu and the glucagon-like activity was determined with the liver slice method after Shinko.<BR>Blood sugar was estimated with Hagedorn-Jensen's method. For the experiments, dogs of 7-8 kgm. body weight were used.<BR>The results of observations are summarized as follows : <BR>1) Insulin-like activity of fasting plasma drawn from diabetics, who had not received insulin treatment showed a low level as compared with normal subjects, whereas that of diabetics under treatment with long acting insulin preparations showed elevated value in comparison to normal level.<BR>Glucagon-like activity of venous blood showed no conspicuous difference both on normal subjects and diabetics.<BR>2) There was apparently an alternating relationship between insulin-like activity of blood and fasting blood sugar level in normal subjects and that group of diabetics, who had not received insulin treatment, i.e., the lower the fasting blood sugar level the higher the insulin-like activity of blood and conversely the higher fasting blood sugar level the lower insulin-like activity of blood.<BR>3) In animal experiments, insulin-like activity and glucagon-like activity of blood drawn from V. pancreatico-duodenale sup. showed a slightly higher level as compared to the blood drawn from other venous sites, but insulin-like activity of venous blood drawn from other sites showed no conspicuous difference to each other.<BR>Glucagon-like activity revealed a conspicuaus decrease after its passage through the liver parenchyma, i.e., ratio of glucagon-like activity of portal vein blood to that of hepatic vein blood represented 5.7 : 1.<BR>This phenomenon seemed to elucidate the mechanism of glucagon effect and its break down in the liver.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
酒井 瑛
石原 淳生
松岡 瑛
松岡 瑛
魚川 寛
酒井 瑛
- 94. ACTHアレルギーについての観察(第14回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 我が内科に於ける蕁麻疹の経験(第5回蕁麻疹研究会研究報告)
- 我が内科における蕁麻疹の経験
- 糖尿病患者の血中インシュリン相当値及び血中グルカゴン相当値に就いて:(附) 膵内分泌調節に就いての知見補遺
- 膵内分泌調節に関する臨床的並びに実験的研究