- 論文の詳細を見る
Alkaline RNA-phosphatase activity was histochemically studied in the pancreatic islet of Langerhans under the influence of hypophysis-adrenal hormones and its defficiency.<BR>Results obtained were as follows.<BR>a) Adrenalectomy caused moderate increase of enzymatic activity which considered as hyperfunction in both cells of islet, especially in alpha cell 7th day after hypophysectomy, but time elapsed to 15th day the degree of the enzymatic reaction of both cells was declined markedly mainly in the alpha cell. ACTH administration after adrenalectomy occurred no remarkable changes in the distribution and intensity of alkaline RNA-phosphatase in the pancreatic islet.<BR>b) Both cells of islet were affected prominently by the hypophysectomy and especially alpha cell showed marked decrease of the enzymatic activity accompanied with the shrinkage of both cells.<BR>c) By the ACTH administration were occured the hypertrophy of both cells and increase of intensity of alkaline RNA-phosphatase in alpha cell which presumed hyperfunction of the cell. Cortirone administration and GH administration also caused similar results.<BR>d) When ACTH was administered to the hypophysectomized-adrenalectomized rat, activity of RNA-phosphatase was as like as in the pancreatic islet of the hypophysectomized-adrenalectomized case.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
寺下 幸雄
京都府立医大 吉田内科
天田 正
青地 脩
京都府立医科大学 第一内科学教室
吉川 直徳
吉川 直徳
桑田 美智子
桑田 美智子
阪上 博文
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