Detection and Phylogenetic Analysis of Hepatitis E Viruses from Mongooses in Okinawa, Japan
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Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection has previously been reported in wild mongooses on Okinawa Island; to date however, only one HEV RNA sequence has been identified in a mongoose. Hence, this study was performed to detect HEV RNA in 209 wild mongooses on Okinawa Island. Six (2.9%) samples tested positive for HEV RNA. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that 6 HEV RNAs belonged to genotype 3 and were classified into groups A and B. In group B, mongoose-derived HEV sequences were very similar to mongoose HEV previously detected on Okinawa Island, as well as to those of a pig. This investigation emphasized the possibility that the mongoose is a reservoir animal for HEV on Okinawa Island.
Mishiro Shunji
Department Of Medical Science Toshiba General Hospital
Ogura Go
Laboratory Of Subtropical Zoology Faculty Of Agriculture University Of The Ryukyus
Nakamura Masaji
Okinawa Prefectural Inst. Health And Environment Okinawa
Takahashi Kazuaki
Department Of Animal Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
Nidaira Minoru
Department of Biological Science, Okinawa Prefectural Institute of Health and Environment
Taira Katsuya
Department of Biological Science, Okinawa Prefectural Institute of Health and Environment
Okano Shou
Department of Biological Science, Okinawa Prefectural Institute of Health and Environment
Kudaka Jun
Department of Biological Science, Okinawa Prefectural Institute of Health and Environment
Department of Medical Sciences, Toshiba General Hospital, 6–3–22 Higashi Oh-i, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140–8522, Japan
Department of Biological Sciences, Okinawa Prefectural Institute of Health and Environment, 2085 Ozato, Nanjo, Okinawa 901–1202, Japan
ITOKAZU Kiyomasa
Department of Biological Sciences, Okinawa Prefectural Institute of Health and Environment, 2085 Ozato, Nanjo, Okinawa 901–1202, Japan
Okinawa Prefectural Chuo Meat Inspection Center, 2015 Ozato, Nanjo, Okinawa 901–1202, Japan
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