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The lateral centromedian nucleus of thalamus (1-CM) was explored as a part of the analgesia inhibitory system of acupuncture, 0.5 mg/kg morphine and dorsal periaqueduct central gray stimulation-produced analgesia by our previous experiment. In the present experiment, the relation between acupuncture, morphine tolerance and the analgesia inhibitory system was investigated. Acupuncture (AA) and 0.5 mg/kg morphine analgesia (MA) in acupuncture-effective animals disappeared after treatment with large doses of morphine (50 mg/kg first day and 100 mg/kg morphine for 12 days) . AA and MA returned to almost control value after lesion of 1-CM in morphine-toleranced animals, while in unlesioned animals and in sham-operated animals, the abolished AA and MA were maintained for 13 days after treatment of tolerance doses of morphine. AA and MA were augmented by lesion of the 1-CM and tolerance doses of morphine slightly reduced AA and MA in 1-CM lesioned animals. From these results, it was concluded that cross tolerance developed between morphine and AA and that morphine tolerance developed mostly in analgesia inhibitory system.
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