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At present, to estimation of antistreptolysin-O (ASO) titer, Rantz-Randall's method has been usually used in routine laboratory. The Rantz-Randall's method, however, is cumbersome, time-consuming and requires more skillful technics, too.<BR>Recently, a new method for estimation of ASO titer with streptolysin-O combined polystyrene-latex reagent had been developed by Behringwerke and we have investigated it.<BR>In our examination, we have compared with the titers between Rantz-Randalls' and new method and examined the relationship between the results of CRP, RA, and betalipoprotein index and the results of this new method.<BR>Our conclusions were as follows:<BR>Samples which obtained above 250 or under 166 Todd units showed 96.6% and 31.4% positive, respectively, by this method. No relationship between the results of CRP, RA, and beta-lipoprotein and this method was observed. And so, it is found that this new method is very suitable screening test for ASO by the reason of it's simplicity and rapidity.
- 学校法人 昭和大学・昭和医学会の論文
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