教室における痔瘻の統計観察 特に結核との関係について
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We studied 131 cases of anal fistura, who were hospitalised between 1960 to 1966. Ave-rage age of the patients was 30.3 years old (53.4 was in the age of twenty) . Anal fistura was 22.3 % of all anal diseases examined during the same period.<BR>The most frequent chief complaints were discharge of the pus. The duration of history within a month was 20.6 %, within a year 68.7 % and over a year 31.3 %. Six, cases were over 11 years prior to admission. On the type of anal fistura, external incomplete anal fistura was most frequent and no cases of the internal complete anal fistura was experienced. In most cases the site of the anal fistura was posterior, especially in the position of 3 and 6 o'clock (34.8 %) . The fistulous track was usually under 2 cm in length. The longest one was 9 cm in length. 64.9 % of these patients had no treatments until admission and 47.8 % out of the treated cases had incisions of the abscess.<BR>Histopathological examination revealed 11 cases of the tuberculous lesion out of the 131 examined cases (8.4 %) and 2 cases out of them showed active pulmonary tuberculosis.
- 学校法人 昭和大学・昭和医学会の論文
鈴木 快輔
服部 博之
福田 亮
三富 静夫
西田 佳昭
高橋 愛樹
服部 博之
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