症例報告 醤油に添加された魚類抽出物による口腔アレルギー症候群が強く疑われた1例
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A 31-year-old woman complained of tingly pain and itching in the mouth and throat immediately after she ate sushi with soy sauce. She also felt squeezing of the larynx. We suspected an allergy to raw fish or soy sauce, and performed detailed examinations to determine the allergen. CAP-FEIA and skin scratch (ST) tests were negative for soybeans, wheat and several types of fish, but positive for mackerel. Therefore, we assumed that the fish extract contained in soy sauce was responsible for the allergic oral and gullet symptoms. We then used a food elimination trial to confirm the allergy and performed scratch tests with all components of the soy sauce (pure soy sauce, sweet sake, extracts of bonito: skipjack tuna, extracts of tangle, and amino acids) . Extracts of bonito were strongly positive in this test, and therefore the oral allergy syndrome due to extracts of bonito was suspected. Soy sauce is a traditional Japanese seasoning made from soybeans and wheat, but fish extracts (so-called“dashi”) and various seasonings are often mixed with soy sauce for flavoring, but without indication on the product label. Japanese soy products such as tofu, soy sauce and natto have recently gained popularity in foreign countries, and it is important to be aware that additives in such products may cause allergic reactions. However, oral allergy syndrome due to food products derived from animals is relatively rare: therefore, we report this case as an example and provide a review of the literature.
- 学校法人 昭和大学・昭和医学会の論文
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- 症例報告 醤油に添加された魚類抽出物による口腔アレルギー症候群が強く疑われた1例