- 論文の詳細を見る
Ninety six squirrels are autopsied from March, 1963 to April, 1964 for this study. The volume of stomach contents, measured by the deposition in a messcylinder, seems to be reduced in breeding periods, but this is still uncertain.<BR>Animal material is more often seen in spring and in summer. Most of these are squirrel hairs and ants. In the author's opinion, they may be swallowed with grooming or with the licking of tree-sap. A few Orthopterans are found during spring, and in only one case during spring were some down feathers observed.<BR>Leaves and bark are found in almost half of stomachs throughout the year. Petals occurred in some cases in spring, and fruits and seeds are seen in a total of twenty six cases. No moss and fungus were confirmed. Seven stainings were used for plant substances. JJK reactions show almost every stomach contains starches which may be come from the mast of oaks, <I>Quercus phyllyraecoides</I>. Cork- and lignine-stainings show bark is more often eaten in spring.
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