Postnatal Growth and Development of <I>Apodemus argenteus</I>
- 論文の詳細を見る
Observations were made on the growth and development of <I>Apodemus argenteus</I> from birth to the 90th day in captivity. The body length and tail length showed the rapid increase during the first 30 days, but thereafter they increased only slightly. The hind-foot length and ear length increased rapidly during the first 25 days, attaining to adult size. The body weight showed the rapid growth until the 60th day and only a slight increase thereafter. At birth the young were hairless and blind. On the 5th day hairs appeared on the dorsum. The juvenile pelage sufficiently developed by the 13th day and completed by the 20th day. The incisors erupted from the 10th to 12th day. The eyes opened from the 12th to 14th day. The weaning occurred between the 18th and 21 th days. The young had little coordination at birth. They began to crawl on the 8th day and walking firmly on the 15th day. Their movements became similar to those of adults by the 25th day.
- 日本哺乳類学会の論文
Fujimaki Yuzo
Laboratory Of Wildlife Ecology Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
Laboratory of Wildlife Resource Ecology, Department of Agro-environmental Science, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro
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