- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to determine whether Nakanoshima Island is a suitable investigation site to examine the population dynamics and management methods of the Sika deer. As shown Figure 1, there are two adjacent islands to Nakanoshima Island which have a total area of about 5.2Km<SUP>2</SUP>. This island is the central crater hill of the caldera-lake and its covered with a deciduous broad-leaved type forest dominated by <I>Acer mone, Tilia japonica</I>. Snow covers the island from early November to mid-April with a maximum snow depth of about 1m. The Sika deer was introduced on the island by an adult buck in 1957, a yearling doe in 1958, and a pregnant doe in 1965. Since then the population has shown steady growth under protection.<BR>A deer census was carried out on the island by 12 investigators from March 23-25, 1980: the results are shown in Table 1. These results and the number of collected antlers dropped up to May 25, 1980, indicated that the population structure of the Nakanoshima deer was about 25 bucks, about 60 does, and 17 fawns.<BR>The sex ratio, percentage of fawns per doe, and population growth ratio were all higher than those found in usual Sika deer populations under protection. The higher female sex ratio may have been due to the fact that some of the bucks have escaped from the island, and the high ratio of fawns suggests that this herd was under an increasing phase of population growth. As the does from two years born one fawn each year and the average longevity of the does exceeding one year is known to be 8.6 years old (from the data of Kinkazan Island), the average survival ratio of the fawns was estimated as 75% a year.<BR>These facts show that this high population growth ratio corresponds to the highest one reported in other places, and it is projected that the population of this herd may continue to increase for some years in the future because of the density of this island is not so high (20/Km2) and the vegetation on the island is not yet much destroyed. It is expected that this Sika deer herd will show various phaces of population dynamics such as the over population, crush, and stable condition keeping the food supply balance.<BR>Our study of Nakanoshima Island and its Sika deer herd has shown results which are encouraging for future investigations of the population dynamics of the Sika deer.
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