Examination of Isolated Sphenoiditis Cases
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It is rare for inflammation to involve only the sphenoid sinus.Surgeons must be careful to avoid nerves, blood vessels and base of the skull around the sphenoid sinus circumference. The surgical method can be either the transendothelial sphenoid sinus method or the transendothelial ethmoid sinus method, depending on the needs of the individual case. We examined four isolated sphenoiditis cases treated by one of the authors during the past three years. Case of postoperative sphenoid sinus cystic diseases were excluded.All 4 cases were women. Three cases involved bacterial inflammation, and one case demonstratedfungal disease. The chief complaint in 2 cases was headache, diplopia in one case and facial numbness in one case. General anaesthesia was administered in 2 cases and local anesthesia in 2 cases. Surgical methods were transendothelial ethmoid sinus in 2 cases and transendothelial sphenoid sinus in 2 cases. All cases healed successfully.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
矢田 修一郎
末野 康平
山口 宗一
さいたま赤十字病院 耳鼻咽喉科
田中 真琴
末野 康平
さいたま赤十字病院 耳鼻咽喉科
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