扁桃リンパ球のインタ-フェロン産生に対する光化学オキシダントの影響 (山本馨教授退官記念論文集)
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The tonsil is a lymphoid tissue which is first exposed to the bacteria and virus entering the body through the nose and mouth and is considered to play an important role in the defense against these organisms. Furthermore, the tonsil is so situated that it can be influenced by conditions in the atmosphere. To elucidate the biological effects of photochemical smog oxidants on the tonsil, cell suspensions of lymphocytes from human tonsil were exposed in vitro to ozone at 5ppm for 5 minutes and examined for interferon production induced by NDV and 3H-thymidine incorporation stimulated with PHA. Rabbits were exposed in vivo to oxidants, ozone or exhaust fumes and their tonsillar lymphocytes were studied for interferon production and incorporation of 3H-thymidine in vitro. To produce oxidants, exhaust gas with CO content of 40-60ppm was irradiated by ultraviolet ray (1000μw/cm2). Rabbits were exposed to either Ozone (5ppm) for 3 hours, non-irradiated exhaust gas for 3 hours or UV-treated, oxidants containing exhaust gas (average concentration of ozone 0.5ppm) for 3 hours. The control group was raised for one week in clean air. Both the interferon production and 3H-thymidine incorporation in the human tonsil lymphocytes decreased markedly by exposure to ozone and degeneration, vacuolation and cell disruption were microscopically evident in some lymphocytes. Tonsillar lymphocytes from rabbits exposed to each gas showed only a slight significant decrease in interferon production when compared to those exposed to purified air. The tonsillar lymphocytes exposed to oxidants showed a slightly greater decrease in interferon production than those exposed to exhaust gas or ozone. As for blastoid transformation of tonsillar lymphocytes by PHA stimulation, the difference between the exposed groups and control group was not significant. Morphological changes in the rabbit tonsils were not observed by light microscopy in the control or experimental groups. The above results suggest that exposure to oxidants causes functional changes in the tonsillar lymphocytes, regardless of whether they are exposed in vitro or in vivo.
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