- 論文の詳細を見る
A precise method of quantifying eosinophilia in nasal smear has not yet been established even though an increase in these cells in nasal secretion has been confirmed to be a sign of nasal allergy. In order to establish an available method of quantification, we 1) observed differences in grading of eosinophilia according to the amount of nasal secretion and examined the different distributions of eosinophils in the same smear specimens, 2) compared three methods of quantification—counting of total number of eosinophils in any ten separate fields under high magnification (10×40), grading by Okuda's criteria and counting of percentage of eosinophils of all leucocytes in nasal smears, 3) compared the results graded separately by three examiners and 4) investigated the number of smears necessary for quantification.Results showed that the amount of nasal secretion specimen has to be over 10mg, because the grading of eosinophilia is always low when under 10mg and distribution of eosinophils was uneven. Therefore, the greater the amount of specimen, the better.As for the quantifying method, the results of counting of a total number of eosinophils per high power fields were in accord with those by the grading methods, this grading method proved to be easy in practice, was economic of time and showed a minimum difference in results among different examiners. Observation of three smears from the same specimen was however required for an accurate result.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
宇佐神 篤
大塚 博邦
高橋 光明
奥田 稔
打越 進
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