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Tissues from 17 patients with malignant lymphoma (5 cases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, 10 cases of the tonsil and 1 case of cervical lymph node), and 1 caes of plasmacytoma of the paranasal sinus, were observed under the electron microscope. Findings were compared with those seen under light microscopy.On the basis of histologic morphology, malignant lymphoma may be classified in a variety of ways. Commonly, this tumor is classified: Reticulum cell sarcoma, Lymphosarcoma and Hodgkin's disease. Histologic classification of 17 cases was composed of tissues from 13 patients with reticulum cell sarcoma, 2 lymphosarcoma, 1 Hodgkin's disease and 1 plasmacytoma. However, this tumor shows a widely varying range of morphology. This variation sometimes makes it difficult to differentiate the types.Ultrastructurally, reticulum cell sarcoma was classified into three types (undifferentiated, poorly differentiated and well differentiated).Ultrastructurally, lymphosarcoma was classified into two types (poorly and well differentiated).It was revealed by ultrastructural findings that five cases of lymphosarcoma and three cases of plasmacytoma were confused with reticulum cell sarcoma.Consequently, thorough electron microscopic observations should be made in order to better understand and diagnose correctly patients with malignant lymphoma.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
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