感覚-運動性誘導症候群,Sensory-Motor Induction Syndromeの1症例;その神経耳科学的分析
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Neurotological observations, particularly those relating to equilibrium function, were made on a traumatized patient with sensory-motor induction syndrome. The following was noted;(1) After head injury the subject complained of rotatory vertigo, bilateral tinnitus and deafness. Spatial deformity in relation to monocular vision was also induced when the subject gazed at an object with his right eye. Furthermore, this spatial deformity was in parallel with the appearance of inclination of the head and trunk to the right.(2) Equilibrium tests and neurological examinations revealed signs of dysfunction of the brainstem and the cerebellum. However, little evidence was found, with regard to dysfunction of the peripheral labyrinth.(3) A method of visual training was proposed for the treatment of the symptoms mentioned above. In this treatment the subject was asked to restore the inclined standing posture to normal, refering to the vertical line marked on a life-size mirror and moreover, to maintain the corrected posture as long as possible. After one month continuation of this treatment the subject showed improvement of symptoms, particularly bodily disequilibrium and the spatial deformity mentioned above.
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