- 論文の詳細を見る
The fine structure of the lymphatic capillaries of the human nasal mucosa was observed with an electron microscope under local anesthesia. Biopsies were taken from the anterior tip of the inferior turbinate of normal controls and patients with nasal allergy caused by Japanese cedar. In normal controls, many loose endothelial cell junctions were observed, which suggested that the lymphatic capillaries in the anterior tip of the inferior turbinate were fully active. The lymphatic capillaries in the nasal mucosa were characterized by flattened endothelial cells, sparse basement lamina and the presence of anchoring filaments which provided a firm connection between the lymphatic capillary wall and the surrounding connective tissue. A few layers of lymphatic capillaries which seemed to be the starting point of lymphatic capillaries were observed. These layers could not be found in inactivity where the space of lumen was shrunk. They were easily identifiable in the widened lumina of allergic patients. Inflow of eoainophilic leucocytes to the lymphatic capillaries was observed 30 seconds after provocation in patients with nasal allergy. 15 minutes after provocation, interstitial edema was remarkable, the luminal space of the lymphatic capillaries widened and the endothelial cell junctions opened wide. It is therefore considered that the inflow of the interstitial fluid to the lymphatic capillaries was remarkable.
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