慢性中耳炎とめまい,平衡障害 (前庭機能異常の研究-2-<特集>)
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Equilibrium function tests were done in fifty patients with chronic otitis media to detect vestibular disturbance.Spontaneous nystagmus were found in twenty seven (54%) patients. In seventeen out of twenty seven patients, the direction of the spontaneous nystagmus was toward the uninvolved side, whereas another ten patients revealed the nystagmus toward the involved side. Patients whose nystagmus was toward the involved side were almost free of inner ear disturbance and at acute aggravated stage of otitis media.The relation between the appearance rate of spontaneous nystagmus and the following clinical signs or symptoms was investigated: (1) vertigo, (2) bone conduction abnormality, (3) otorrhea, (4) fistula sign. Those who exhibited high appearance rate of spontaneous nystagmus were the patients with otorrhea and with fistula sign.High rate abnormalities of righting reflex, deviation and caloric tests were observed in the patients of cholesteatoma with vertigo.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
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- 鼻腔flow刺激の内喉頭筋活動への影響
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- 巻頭言
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- 慢性中耳炎とめまい,平衡障害 (前庭機能異常の研究-2-)
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