Conservative Therapy for Nasal Cartilage Fractures in Children.
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For children with nasal cartilage fractures, conservative treatment is preferred to surgical procedures.Nasal bone fracture is common, and its manipulations have been described in many reports. On the other hand, cartilage fractures of the nose are less common and more difficult to treat. Even without any defect of nasal tissue, deformity of the nostril border or saddle nose deformity may result from cartilage fracture.We applied nostril retainers (Koken Co.) to fix the nostril borders and dorsum nasi of three patients, two six-year-old girls and one seven-year-old boy. In one patient, deformity was absent after three months, but it then reappeared. Three more months of application proved to be a sufficient fixation period and no deformity or stiff scarring remained. Satisfactory results were obtained after six months of application in all three patients.We assume that the fractured fragments were fixed appropriately, or that contraction of the surrounding tissue was prevented by the use of nostril retainers. In children, connective tissue is less firmly attached to the adjacent skin as in adults. Although we have had no experience with adult patients, this simple procedure is effective, and its use should be considered in the treatment of children with fracture of the nasal cartilage.
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- Conservative Therapy for Nasal Cartilage Fractures in Children.